- Appointment & resignation of director(s), Independent Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, Statutory Auditors, Internal Auditor & Secretarial Auditor;
- Drafting/Alteration of Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association;
- Shifting of Registered office from one state to another state or within the same locality/city/state.
- Obtaining ISIN;
- Dematerialisation And Rematerialisation of Securities;
- XBRL/Ind AS XBRL Filing and Data Conversion;
- Issue of Shares under ESOP, Private Placement, Right Issue, Preferential allotment, Bonus Issue, and Conversion of Loan into Equity;
- Application for AGM extension;
- Buyback of Shares;
- Change of Name of Company/LLP;
- Registration/Creation, modification, and satisfaction of charge with the Registrar of Companies;
- Condonation of delay in registration/creation, modification, and satisfaction of charge with the Registrar of Companies;
- Issue of Debentures, Preference Shares, Conversion of Loan into Equity;
- Maintenance of Statutory Register and Minutes;
- Preparation of Search Report;
- Transfer/Transmission/Gift of Securities;
- Surrender of DIN;
- Ensuring Compliance with Related Party Transactions under Section 188;
- Compliance with Loans given, Security provided, and Investment made.
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